Six Things To Know About Social Anxiety 1) The belief that people are after you will be strong, but not strong enough to be convincing paranoia. Humans as a species, in your mind, will be evil and cruel. Any mistake made in the past or present are grounds for complete revenge. Your belief will be so powerful of your impending demise via other human beings that you struggle to once again exit the premises. You will struggle to move from place to place without symptoms akin to paranoia. One may develop an eating disorder to cope, panic at random times for the sole reason that they are in a public area, or develop other unhealthy ways to cope, such as substance abuse, or sheltering in a private room for hours on end. However, no matter the coping skill, it will never be enough. You will always critique and dwell on every mistake you've ever made, and never be able to move on. 2) You will constantly dwell on every mistake you've ever made. Every mistake made wil...
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